Thursday, 26 September 2013


Thursday night, me, Irene and Isaac went filming at a friend's house.
We made a fire and had lots of fun.



                                      We put a bit of fire on sticks and twirled them around.

                                        We poured a bucket of water on it so it smoked a lot.

                                                                                     The crew.                                                  

Monday, 23 September 2013

At Iceworld

For my birthday we went iceskating and I brought my camera. 
These are some of my pictures.


                                                             Micah dancing to the music.

Thursday, 12 September 2013


When me and Isaac awoke we decided to make wafles! So when every-body else woke up there were wafles on their plate, they were delicious and very messy!    

                                                          Making wafles in the morning  

                                                               Eating the delicious wafles

          I went to the park to do my schoolwork and brought my camera. These are the pictures I took

                                     i thought that this was a pretty cool shot, what do you think?

                               Me and Irene were taking pictures of Felix, i liked this one the best

Some of the first pictures that I have taken with my new camera

A friend Asher came over and he and Isaac went on the tramp, this one is Isaac is doing matrix

                                              Felix being cute, as usual

                                             My birthday cake, strawberry cheesecake

                                                I thought this flower was pretty cool

                                          Please give hints on how I can improve and leave a comment